Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Empowering Him With Choices

The Fit:  "NO!  No chair!  No sit!"

He didn't want to get in his chair and eat.  Dad wasn't home for dinner yet.  He wanted to watch a cartoon.   He just wasn't in the mood.  TOO BAD KIDDO!  It's dinner time and we're stickin' to our schedule!!!  

The Fix: A choice.  I gave him some control over what was about to happen.  

"Buster, look at me.  Stop flailing and look at mama for a minute. Do you want milk or water with dinner?"


"Okay, get in your chair and I'll get you a cup of milk.  Do you want a blue cup or a green cup?"


"Okay.  Thank you.  I'll get your blue cup of milk."

He had a choice.  He had some control.  He settled down, got in his chair and two minutes later he was eating green beans, mac & cheese, carrots (first night of success with carrots!!) and not eating, but did touch, some hot dog.

Toddlers can control very few things the happen in their lives.  What they put in their mouth, they can control that.  Sometimes, it's not yet about the food...just about getting them to the table.  It's hard for them to give up that control.  So, offering choices will very often give them the control they need to feel they have.  Peas or carrots?  Cheese or apples?  Simple, healthy choices and he's FAAAR more likely to eat something if he feels like it's there because he decided it's there.

As Janet Jackson said " get what I want."  (I just showed my age a little there, didn't I?)

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